UNX-Christeyns Athletic Laundry - Power Up

Athletic Laundry Results

eradicate the funk

Dane Smith, Director of Equipment Operations, Florida State University

“What I like best about UNX-CHRISTEYNS is the outstanding service I receive and the ability to customize programs to suit individual needs. UNX-CHRISTEYNS is clearly set apart from the competition by its service, adaptability and troubleshooting abilities.”

Mark Zimmer, Manager, Equipment Operations and Product Fulfillment, Sun Devils

“Hands down, I would recommend UNX-CHRISTEYNS to other schools… It’s good stuff! UNX-CHRISTEYNS is different from the competition because of their willingness to go above and beyond, every single time!”

Roxann Moody, Assistant Athletic Director, Equipment Services, Wake Forest

“I, 100%, recommended UNX-CHRISTEYNS Athletics – as long as I am here, Wake Forest will only use UNX-CHRISTEYNS! Above and beyond every time! I most look forward to knowing I am going to get what I need from the products and services UNX-CHRISTEYNS offers!”



Equipment Managers!

You’re in it for the love of sport, competition and the crowds of people cheering on your team. It doesn’t get any better than seeing your team do what they do best!

You know all too well that along with the glory comes the blood, sweat and tear-stained uniforms that go in to winning the game. When the fun and games are over and the fans have left the stands… away from the scoreboard, the real action comes to life.

At UNX-CHRISTEYNS, we’re in it to eradicate the funk – the blood, sweat and tears (not to mention the clay, grass stains, field paint and dye, marker – you get the idea). We know how tough an equipment manager’s job is… behind the scenes. For this reason, we formulate the finest and most innovative cleaning solutions and develop best-in-class state-of-the-art injection systems for your athletic laundry needs, so you can eradicate the funk on a molecular level. We offer an extensive product selection, including complete lines of high-quality specialty products to ensure we have everything you need to get the post-game job done. We have two goals: results and customer satisfaction.

Equipment Managers… while you’re in it for your team, at UNX-CHRISTEYNS, we’re in it for you.


Ain’t No Shame In Our Athletic Laundry Cleaning Game

The numbers

Our Goal is 100%+ Satisfaction

Proven Results

The Numbers Don’t Lie

Side by side comparisons show 93% of customers found UNX-CHRISTEYNS products provide superior results in less time than their former provider, all while reducing stress and cutting costs. Our goal is for you to be 100% satisfied with our products, equipment and service.


UNX-CHRISTEYNS Customers Find Products Provide Superior Results


Customers Switch to UNX After Trial

Not Gonna Lie

We Love Sharing Our Results!

Contact us

Ready to tackle your toughest laundry challenges? Drop us a line and let’s start making those stains history!

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